Hakuouki SSL: Chapter 1 (Harada Sanosuke)

 Chapter 1

Here is the translation for chapter 1 of Sano's route! Translation and proofreading was by yuugs and shizuumi.  Additional proofreading by kuririn and dei-hime.

―― June ――

As the calendar turned to the next page, our uniforms turned to summer ones as well.

In April and May, I was so desperate to get used to high school life that the months just flew by….

‘Lately, I think I’ve finally made a place for myself in my life at Hakuo Academy.’

Of course, it was still an environment meant for boys, so I still felt a little out of place. But thanks to my reliable friends and teachers, I was living a fulfilling life at school——


Two months have passed since I began high school. It was a clear and sunny morning in June. When I came to school, immediately after entering the building, the first thing I felt was an odd atmosphere.

As I climbed the stairs, just as I turned onto the landing——

Chizuru Yukimura: “Wah!?”

???: “Ah!”

I collided with the student rushing around the corner, and ended up falling on my butt.

Chizuru Yukimura: “Ow…" 

Susumu Yamazaki: “Yukimura-kun? Sorry…”

Hajime Saitou: “I told you not to rush, Yamazaki. Are you alright, Yukimura?”

I looked up into two faces I recognized. Saitou-senpai was holding a textbook under one arm. He held out his hand to me.

Chizuru Yukimura: “Ah… yes, I’m alright." 

Trying not to overthink it, I grabbed his hand and he pulled me upright.

Chizuru Yukimura: ”…Thank you for that.“ 

Chizuru Yukimura:: "I’m sorry, Yamazaki-senpai. I wasn’t being careful.”

As I bowed deeply to the two of them, I noticed a second year textbook had fallen to the floor.

Chizuru Yukimura: “Isn’t this your textbook, Yamazaki-senpai?”

Susumu Yamazaki: “O-Oh, did I drop it?  …I didn’t notice. Thanks.”

Chizuru Yukimura: “……”

Something was off. Yamazaki’-senpai’s eyes had kind of a glazed look,  and there were dark circles underneath them. Saitou-senpai also looked tired.

This seems…

[Are you alright?]

[Are you not getting enough sleep?]

Chizuru Yukimura: “Um...are the two of you alright?”

Hajime Saitou: "...Us? Why do you ask?”

Chizuru Yukimura: “I might be jumping to conclusions, but….you look really sick.”

Susumu Yamazaki: “No...we’re fine. Don’t worry about us. Saitou-kun and I, see, late into the night, we’ve each been...um...well, we didn’t get much sleep last night.”

Chizuru Yukimura: “I don’t really get it, but if you two are having a rough time, it’s would be best to take a break in the infirmary—”

Susumu Yamazaki: “No! I can’t rest! This next class is the one I’m most worried about.”

Hajime Saitou: “Indeed, Chemistry is expected to be particularly difficult this time around. You’ll regret it if you don’t thoroughly prepare.”

Susumu Yamazaki: “Exactly. Although I’d like to rest... In any case, thank you for worrying about us, Yukimura-kun.”

With that, the two of them wandered staggering, down the stairs to the floor below. It made me worry for them in another way entirely; they were sure to run into someone again in that state.

Chizuru Yukimura: “They’re both studying so much they look sick.”

Was their class really that important…? I watched their weary figures until they disappeared down the hall before continuing on my own way.

All morning, the school had been filled with chattering students. The hallway before the classrooms was especially lively. Maybe it was because classes hadn’t started yet. Having gotten to know them over the last two months,  I exchanged greetings with my classmates in the hall as I headed to my classroom. On the way, I saw familiar faces in the distance and suddenly stopped in my tracks.

Chizuru Yukimura: “Heisuke-kun and Okita-senpai?" 

I thought that was a first-year classroom. Why would two second-years be there? It would be time for Homeroom soon…


[Call out to them]

[Leave them alone]

Chizuru Yukimura: "I've heard those two are often running late...Yeah, I'll leave them be."

I decided to watch them go on their way without a word, passing up the chance to talk with them.

When I entered the classroom, I took out my textbook and notebook to get ready for class. The bell rang as soon as I’d finished, and I heard the sound of the door opening.

Sanosuke Harada: “Take your seats, guys. Homeroom’s starting.”

As Harada-sensei came in, everyone rushed to their seats.

Classmate A: “Stand! Bow!”

Sanosuke Harada: “All right, morning!”

Everyone in class:  “Good morning!”

Sanosuke Harada: “Time for attendance…is what I was going to say, but it seems like everyone’s here. Raise a hand if not.”

Ryuunosuke Ibuki: “You can’t do that if you’re not here…”

Ibuki-kun startled me by suddenly speaking up. A laugh escaped me before I could stop myself. Harada-sensei did make jokes like this at times. He really was a friendly, kind teacher.

Sanosuke Harada: “Now then, you all started school two months ago, and now it’s June. With that being the case…Though you might already know this, our school’s midterm exams start in two weeks! Make sure to study diligently, you guys. Put your feet up and slack off, and who knows what horrors you might be tempting?“

Harada-sensei smirked as if he knew something we didn’t.

Ryuunosuke Ibuki: "Horrors…?”

Sanosuke Harada: “If you think this’ll be the same as tests back in middle school, you’ll be in for a bad time. As you all know, Hakuo Academy has a teacher that’s much more passionate about educating its students than other schools do.”

Chizuru Yukimura: “Passionate about educating, meaning–”

Ryuunosuke Ibuki: “…It’s Hijikata-sensei, isn’t it?”

Sanosuke Harada: “Well, so it goes. Following a certain teacher’s suggestion, there’ll be penalties for students with lower scores. Those scoring less than 50% in a subject will receive a special homework assignment, and must clean all the school’s windows.“

Everyone in class:  ”……“

As Harada-sensei with his explanation, everyone in class got paler and paler.

Sanosuke Harada: “Below 30% gets you cleaning corridors on top of the additional homework… And below that, the punishments get extra special.”

Chizuru Yukimura: ”'Special,’ he says…“

Sanosuke Harada: "Below 20% means doing a problem set, weeding the school yard, and a week of additional classes!”

Classmate A:  “Whaaaaat?!”

Sanosuke Harada: “Sorry, but it’s already set in stone. Don’t like it? Then study like there’s no tomorrow. I don’t think anyone should get lower than 50%. If you study then you’ll be in the clear, right?”

While listening to Harada-sensei, I recalled what happened this morning. The reason why Saitou-senpai and Yamazaki-senpai seemed so off was probably this.

Chizuru Yukimura: “……” Though I didn’t mind studying, there was no way I’d want extra homework.

Ryuunosuke Ibuki: “What would that guy do to me if I got myself stuck in supplemental classes…?!” Ibuki’s face drained of all color, and he hung his head. 

This was going to be difficult. I would have to brace myself… The midterm exams would begin the week after next. Although I thought June’s hardships were over, the real battle was just around the corner. 

“Phew...” with all the meal sets having such big portions, I was full before I even realized it. 

I started heading back to my classroom before lunch ended. I was walking down the hallway feeling content, when…

???: “Your expression is especially foolish today, Chizuru.”

I looked back in confusion to see Kaoru and Saitou-senpai standing side by side.

Chizuru Yukimura: “H-Hello, Saitou-senpai. And Kaoru…”

Kaoru Nagumo: “That’s some greeting. From your tone, it sounds as if you’re unhappy to see me.”

Chizuru Yukimura: “I didn’t mean it like that… but, um, was I really making such a strange face?”

Kaoru Nagumo: “Yes, an unbearably stupid one. Honestly, I’m saying this as your brother: it’s deplorable.”

Chizuru Yukimura: “Ugh…”

Hajime Saitou: “...Yukimura, mind him. Nagumo is putting it a bit too harshly.”

Chizuru Yukimura: “You think so...?”

Hajime Saitou: “I do. I haven’t thought such a thing about your expression even once today. If I had to put it into words, I’d say you looked remarkably happy just nowー”

Kaoru Nagumo: “That’s a rather mild way to put it. Just tell it to her straight: her face looked like the lights were on, but no one was home.”

Hajime Saitou: “T-That’s not true. Although she looked a little inattentive, nevertheless…”

I couldn’t keep myself composed as they commented back and forth on my expression. I spoke up, hoping to change the subject:

Chizuru Yukimura: “M-more importantlyー have you gotten close with Saitou-senpai, Kaoru? You hang out during lunch, and seem to get along.”

Kaoru wasn’t a people person by any stretch, so I was glad he found such a nice senior to get along with. Kaoru just snorted at my relieved expression.

Kaoru Nagumo: “That’s rich. But I’d appreciate it if you stopped misunderstanding and making your mind up about my business without my asking you to.”

Chizuru Yukimura: “What…?”

Kaoru Nagumo: “I’m not buddy-buddy with this guy, okay? Not now, and not ever. If I didn’t have tedious work to do for the disciplinary committee again today, I’d have no reason to spend time with him.”

Chizuru Yukimura: “Hey, now…. You’ll offend Saitou-senpai if you keep talking like that.”

Before Kaoru could respond to my admonishing him, Saitou-senpai shook his head.

Hajime Saitou: “I appreciate your concern, but you don’t need to worry about it.”

Chizuru Yukimura: “Saitou-senpai…”

Hajime Saitou: “He’s always like this.”

It was as if he could do nothing but resign himself to the idea that even remarking on it would be pointless. And in the end, it seemed like the senpai-kouhai divide also kept them apart. But I still thought Kaoru’s attitude was a problem. ...But what could I do about it?

[Scold him seriously.]

[Just leave it at that.]

Chizuru Yukimura: “......” 

With Saitou-senpai handling this so maturely, I felt guilty that I was bringing up this issue with Kaoru.

Chizuru Yukimura: “Um… I hope disciplinary committee work goes well for the both of you.”

With that, I bowed my head to them slightly, leaving it at that.

Kaoru Nagumo: “......”

I didn’t know why, but Kaoru looked somehow dissatisfied, for some reason…

Chizuru Yukimura: “......” We’d probably end up arguing again if I said anything, so I pretended not to notice. 

Right after that…

???: “Oh, Chizuru-chan! Right on time!”

Chizuru Yukimura: “Ah… Nagakura-sensei, Harada-sensei!”

Turning at the sound of the name, I saw the two approach.

Sanosuke Harada: “Hey, now. I told you to stop calling her that at school.”

Shinpachi Nagakura: “O-Oh yeah, you did… But that means I can if we’re not in school, right?”

Sanosuke Harada: “For god’s sake… obviously there’s no problem if you said it outside of school. Seriously, though, you’re a teacher. Show some more self-awareness and act like it.”

Chizuru Yukimura: “Um, is something the matter?”

Shinpachi Nagakura: “Hey, hey, Sano. How about we ask a third party for their opinion in all this?”

Sanosuke Harada: “What ‘third party’? Don’t drag a student into this!”

Shinpachi Nagakura: “C’mon, what’s the harm! Students are one thing, but this is Yukimura-kun we’re talking about! We can ask her for her honest opinion!”

Sanosuke Harada: That’s really not the issue here…”

Even though Harada-sensei looked pretty fed up, Nagakura-sensei’s smile lit up his whole face as he beckoned me over.

Chizuru Yukimura: “What is this about?”

Shinpachi Nagakura: “Right, so, you know how midterms are the week after next? Classes 2-2 and 2-1 have different class averages for test scores. Which do you think is higher?”

Chizuru Yukimura: “Even if I could say it was one or the other…”

Shinpachi Nagakura: “Just your intuition’s fine! Answer with your gut feeling!”

Chizuru Yukimura: “......”

I glanced at Harada-sensei, who looked sheepish. He gave a wry smile and a shrug.

Sanosuke Harada: “You know that Shinpachi’s the homeroom teacher for 2-2, and Hijikata-san is for 2-1, right? It seems they’ve only just realized that they’re homeroom teachers for students in the same grade. So, while we were out having a drink the other day, they got into a debate over which class could study better.”

Shinpachi Nagakura: “That was Hijikata-san’s fault! He’s the one who kept nagging me about how my students’ grades were a bit subpar…! My dear students just haven’t gotten serious yet, that’s all!”

Sanosuke Harada: “Your students’ grades are all over the place. Saitou and Yamazaki carry them into the top ranks. On the other hand, 2-1’s score depends on how much Souji feels like putting in an effort that day. That boy’s a moody one.”

Chizuru Yukimura: “There’s Heisuke as well, if you’re talking about Class 2-1…”

Sanosuke Harada: “You’d best start from the bottom of the list to find Heisuke on it. You go tell him to study some more, sometime.”

Chizuru Yukimura: “Y-yes, sir…”

Though they looked serious while discussing student affairs, they also looked like they were enjoying themselves. They almost acted like proud parents over it… it lifted my spirits to see, to the point where I couldn’t hold back a smile.

Shinpachi Nagakura: “So! Realistically, which d’you think would win? If you feel so inclined to pick 2-2, you can bet your next lunch on it!”

Chizuru Yukimura: “T-that’s a bit…”

Sanosuke Harada: “You moron...don’t turn students’ grades into a betting pool!”

Shinpachi Nagakura: “I-I wasn’t being serious! I just meant that I’m real keen on having my class win…!”

Hearing Nagakura-sensei say that, I said…


[This and that are two different things, I think...]

[You sure care about your students.]


Chizuru Yukimura: “U-Um. I think it’s lovely that you’re so enthusiastic about this, Nagakura-sensei. But after considering it, I think you might be focusing too much on which is higher or lower…”

Shinpachi Nagakura: “Ugh! ...I-Is that right… I thought treating it like a competition might make the students more motivated, though.”

Chizuru Yukimura: “I-I’m sorry.”

Seeing him so crestfallen, with his shoulders slumped, I felt like I’d done something wrong…

Sanosuke Harada: “Pay him no mind, Yukimura. I’ll fill you in on the rest of the story. It’s really all because Shinpachi got an earful from Hijikata-san when we were at the bar, so he’s got a bit of a grudge.”

Chizuru Yukimura: “He got...scolded?”

Sanosuke Harada: “Aside from the class rivalry thing, Shinpachi’s in charge of Math, and the grades there are somewhat lacking, overall. So, Hijikata-san started harping on him, saying things like, it’s because of his poor leadership, or he shouldn’t be engaging in small talk, and so on.”

Shinpachi Nagakura: “Ugh… T-that’s about the gist of it…”

 As he shivered like a leaf, he spread out his arms as wide as he could, and insisted: 

“There’s nothing wrong with my students! They’re all studying as best they can! High school math is really hard, so what’s so surprising about its point average being lower than other subjects’?!”

Sanosuke Harada: “Shinpachi. If it’s really not the students doing badly, then it’s the teaching being done badly.”

Shinpachi Nagakura: “!! Add salt to the wound, why don’t you…”

Harada-sensei smiled dryly.

Sanosuke Harada: “Basically, this is how Shinpachi is when he’s under a lot of stress. Sorry for dragging you into all this.”

Chizuru Yukimura: “Oh, no, it’s alright…”

Sanosuke Harada: “Although...Hijikata-san wasn’t mistaken about anything he said…”

Shinpachi Nagakura: “Sh--Sh-shut up…! You just bared all my shame to a student, and a girl, no less! Who needs enemies with a friend like you!”

Sanosuke Harada: “But it’s true, though.”

Shinpachi Nagakura: “Sh-, Sh-, Sh-sh...Shut iiiiit! I’ll make you pay for thisss!!”

With tears in his eyes, Nagakura-sensei ran away down the hall at full speed.

Chizuru Yukimura: “Um...I-is he going to be okay? I didn’t think it would end up like this.”

Sanosuke Harada: “It’s fine. Frankly, though, Hijikata-san was relentless about tearing into him… it boils down to Shinpachi being too lenient, that’s really his own problem. He should reflect on it a little.” 

Facing down the hall where Nagakura-sensei had run off, Harada-sensei’s sardonic smile was a bit stiff. 

Sanosuke Harada: “Those two really are polar opposites. That might be how they’re able to attain a kind of balance with the school student body.”

Chizuru Yukimura: “Then...what about you, Harada-sensei?”

Sanosuke Harada: “Me? Good question…”

 He thought about it for a short while.

 “It might just depend on the student. Some need a bit of stick, and others need a carrot, don’t you think?”

Chizuru Yukimura: “Carrot and stick, is it?”

Sanosuke Harada: “Yep. For example―” a meaningful smirk grew on Harada-sensei’s face as he looked me over. “A student as understanding as you might make me want to spoil you a little.”

Chizuru Yukimura: “―?!”

Harada-sensei startled me, his gentle tone catching me off-guard. Then, he reverted to his usual, cheery self.

Sanosuke Harada: “Welp, I’d say that as a joke, though. Make sure you study well for your tests.”

Chizuru Yukimura: “Y-Yes, sir…!”

After bowing my head to excuse myself, for some reason, I walked back to the classroom faster than usual…



As the days went by, the older students, who already knew how severe the penalties were, grew more and more desperate. Seeing them also made us grow more anxious as well, as freshmen. The strange tension that enveloped Hakuo Academy just kept growing stronger.

And then…


――  7 days until the tests ――



While we studied for our tests day after day, Harada-sensei looked around at our exhausted faces and grinned from his podium.

Sanosuke Harada: “Looking good, guys. It looks like you lot finally understand how serious we are about our tests.”

Ryuunosuke Ibuki: “What does he mean, 'looking good’? This is just agony…”

Sanosuke Harada: “Hey, don’t say that. It’s not like I don’t get what you’re going through. Just think of this as a rite of passage. This is what you signed up for enrolling into Hakuo Academy. There’s no turning back now. Anyway, just do your best.”

Everyone in class: “……”

What he said was irrefutably correct. Everyone lost the will to argue, and went silent.


――  6 days until the tests ――



That day, I ran into Kazama-senpai in the corridor without expecting to. Naturally, Amagiri-senpai

and Shiranui-senpai were shadowing him, as usual.

Chikage Kazama: “Chizuru. Less than a week remains until testing begins. Are you studying properly?”

Chizuru Yukimura: “I am. I’m working at my own pace, and it’s going fairly well, I think…”

'How about you, Kazama-senpai?’ …I felt like I didn’t even need to ask. Why? Because he seemed plenty calm, a smug smile spreading across his face.

Chikage Kazama: “These students growing so flustered over mere high school tests is truly unsightly. Don’t you think so?”

Chizuru Yukimura: “Uh… T-That’s…”

Kyou Shiranui: "Uh, no, 'cause high school students are bound to freak out over high school tests. Rather than unsightly, it’s just normal.

Kyuuju Amagiri: ”…Kazama-sama. If we do not depart soon, you will be late for your next lesson.“

Chikage Kazama: “Hmph. Whether or not I attend any classes, there’s not a single thing the test will cover that I won’t understand… But very well. Let us show our faces in class for today. Well then, I bid you farewell.”

I was left standing alone in the hallway, overwhelmed as Kazama-senpai swaggered off with an arrogant look on his face.


――  5 days until the tests ――



Chizuru Yukimura: “Good morning, Saitou-senpai.”

Hajime Saitou: “Is that you, Yukimura? Morning.”

Chizuru Yukimura: “You still have disciplinary committee work in the mornings even though we only have five days until the tests. That must be hard…”

Hajime Saitou: “No, it’s important to accumulate knowledge on a regular basis in order to study properly. So there’s no point in panicking just before a test.”

Just what you’d expect from Saitou-senpai…

Hajime Saitou: “However, all sports and culture clubs have suspended their activities for the tests. So since Heisuke’s not with you, he must be late. One strike for him.”

Chizuru Yukimura: “N-No, he’s on class duty today, so he should’ve arrived before me!”

Hajime Saitou: “Come to think of it, he might’ve passed by a short while ago…”

Looking at him more closely, I could see the dark bags under Saitou-senpai’s eyes. On the surface, he looked as dignified as ever, but his grip on his pen looked a little shaky, too. Perhaps Saitou-senpai was staying up late studying too…


――  4 days until the tests ――



On Saturday, I was studying in my room, when suddenly my cell phone rang.

Chizuru Yukimura: “Okita-senpai…?”

‘A message with a picture attached, as usual. Let’s have a look…’

He’s making a peace sign at the camera, with an odd-looking plushie hanging from his hand.

“I won a toy that I thought you’d like. I’ll give it to you at school. I’ll bring it up to your classroom for you.”

Chizuru Yukimura: “……”

‘What kind of tastes does he think I have? Moreover…’

Chizuru Yukimura: “Even though it’s a Saturday with tests right around the corner, he still finds time to fool around!”


――  3 days until the tests ――



It was Sunday morning.

I decided to do a little sweeping by the front door for a change of pace. At that moment, Heisuke-kun appeared, staggering.

Chizuru Yukimura: “Heisuke-kun?! Are you okay…!?”

Heisuke Toudou: “Chizuru… Mornin’…”

He had terrible, dark bags under his eyes and his eyes were hollow. He was so exhausted that he couldn’t even walk straight.

Heisuke Toudou: “I-I’m on the verge of falling asleep… So I’m running a lap around the block. Must…stay…awake…”

Chizuru Yukimura: “But if you don’t sleep a little, you won’t last until the test!" 

Heisuke Toudou: "No way! I’m not done studying yet! I’ll totally flunk it!! Don’t stop me, Chizuru! Don’t stop me! I’m not ready to die yet!”

Chizuru Yukimura: “Wait, Heisuke-kun! A whole lap around the block is too much no matter how you look at it—”

I tried to stop him, but he’d already run off… While watching his disappearing figure staggering in zigzags down the road, I could only pray for his safety.


――  2 days until the tests ―― 



During recess.

I gathered my class’s printouts and brought them to the staff room…

Toshizou Hijikata: “……”

Hijikata-sensei, looking particularly annoyed, was sighing deeply. He looked no better than the students, just as exhausted by pre-test frenzy.

Chizuru Yukimura: “Is something wrong, Hijikata-sensei?”

Toshizou Hijikata: “Those guys are so tired from cramming that they sleep through my classes. Because of them, I’m screaming my lungs out every morning. Classes are a key part of test preparations. Their priorities are all backwards!”

Chizuru Yukimura: “…You’ve been working really hard…”

‘I think they just stay up all night studying out of fear of punishment…’ Even though I understood Hijikata-sensei’s concerns, I couldn’t help but smile wryly.


―― At last, the day before the test ――


Chizuru Yukimura: “Finally, it’s tomorrow…”

At the end of the school day, while I was putting away my textbooks, I glanced to the desk beside mine…

Ryuunosuke Ibuki: “……”

Ibuki-kun sat here, engrossed in his studies, showing no signs of getting up to go home.

Chizuru Yukimura: “Ibuki-kun, aren’t you going home?”

Ryuunosuke Ibuki: “Ah… I wouldn’t be able to study even if I did. Since Serizawa-san’s there…”

Ibuki-kun often mentions him when we talk. It seems like he doesn’t get along with this ‘Serizawa-san’. With him looking so cornered, I could only bring a forced smile to my lips.

Chizuru Yukimura: “Do your best.”

Ryuunosuke Ibuki: “You too.”

He gave a little smile, and then, as if he were clinging onto his desk, dived back into his books for the test.

At that moment…

Chizuru Yukimura: “?”

I noticed my phone vibrating in my pocket and took it out. A message notification came up on my screen.

Chizuru Yukimura: “Oh, it’s from Osen-chan.”

Osen-chan is my friend who attends Shimabara Girls’ High School not too far away from my academy.



Sub: Will you be okay for the test?

Chizuru-chan, are you going to be okay for the tests?

I can’t take it anymore~!

I just want to run away from it all~!

But, after we get through these midterms, we definitely need to hang out! 

I will survive them on your moral support, Chizuru-chan!!



Chizuru Yukimura: “I see. They have tests at the same time as us. Shimabara High is a sister school to Hakuo Academy, come to think of it…”

“Jeez, Osen-chan…”

Having read her message, I decided to reply right away. But what should I write?’


[I’m looking forward to it!]

[Let’s concentrate on studying!]


Chizuru Yukimura: “'I’m looking forward to it!’ …and send.”

I think it’s easier to persevere when there’s a prize waiting for you after all the struggle.

A short while after I sent it, Osen-chan replied.



RE: Will you be okay for the test?


Let’s both do our best!



Chizuru Yukimura:  “Hehe…”

I could feel my motivation grow with Osen-chan cheering for me.

“Well, I should go over my notes one last time before the test…” I finished getting ready and took my bag, leaving the classroom.



As I was leaving from the student entrance… Someone had just passed through the school gates and started walking towards me.

Sanosuke Harada: "Yo, Yukimura! Are you going home?"

Chizuru Yukimura: "Yes. And you?"

Sanosuke Harada: "Ah, I just went out to the convenience store to buy dinner. I was gonna go out with Shinpachi today, but then I got caught up with work and now I'm late..."

Chizuru Yukimura: "That's a shame..."

Sanosuke Harada: "What're you talking about? It's more of a shame that your tests are tomorrow, no?"

Chizuru Yukimura: "Well, maybe..."

I was so caught up in his clear voice, I ended up smiling without thinking as well.

Sanosuke Harada: "There's no doubt that our punishments are brutal. But I'm sure that you'll all be fine. Don't get worked up tomorrow. Just do your best like you always do. ...Okay?"

Chizuru Yukimura: "Okay!"

Emboldened by the confidence that Harada-sensei had in me, I gave him a firm nod.

In response, he gave me a smile of satisfaction that reached his eyes.

Sanosuke Harada: "Oh, right... Wait a minute."

As if suddenly remembering something, he stuck his hand in his bag and started rummaging inside it with a rustle.

Sanosuke Harada: "Yukimura. Close your eyes for a moment."

Chizuru Yukimura: "Oh? Okay..." 

Without thinking, I closed my eyes and did as he said.


(CG get!°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°)


Chizuru Yukimura: "!"

Feeling something touch my lips, my eyes popped open in surprise.

Harada-sensei was laughing.

Sanosuke Harada: "When you're tired, sweets are the best, right? ...This'll be our little secret, hm?"

Chizuru Yukimura: "......"

Something about the way he said it was mischievous, as if he were a child...

At the same time, the smile that floated to his lips felt like he had an adult's composure. I couldn't move from how much I'd stiffened up.

Harada-sensei laughed brightly and urged me on, seemingly without a clue how I was feeling.

Sanosuke Harada: "Hey, it's okay. Just eat it. I'll be in trouble if someone sees us."


At his prompting, I stuffed my cheeks with chocolate. It tasted really sweet.

Sanosuke Harada: "How is it? Good, right?"

Chizuru Yukimura: "It's tasty..."

I meekly nodded, feeling a bit bashful for some reason.

Harada-sensei cheerfully laughed at the state I was in. I couldn't help but feel that was a little mean of him…

Chizuru Yukimura: "Um, thank you for the chocolate."

Sanosuke Harada: "......"

I didn't know why, but Harada-sensei was staring at me intently. Even though the distance between us had finally put me at ease, I was growing more and more self-conscious with his staring.

Chizuru Yukimura: "I-Is something wrong?"

Sanosuke Harada: "Nah... How should I put it? It's refreshing,” Harada-sensei murmured earnestly with a hearty nod.

Chizuru Yukimura: "Wha...?"

Sanosuke Harada: "Last year there was no one but a bunch of dirty guys around, right? I got used to taking care of guys, but the nature of having a female student is really something different..."

While he spoke vaguely with a smile, I said to him...


[Is it difficult?]

[Sorry for troubling you.]


Chizuru Yukimura: "Is it awkward for you to have a girl in your class?"

I felt uneasy asking him that. But Harada-sensei quickly shook his head.

Sanosuke Harada: "No, it's not. But, well, there is one thing that troubles me… Like I said before, I can't help but treat you differently from everyone else."

Chizuru Yukimura: "Th-That is troubling..."

When he saw my face grow redder and redder, he spoke kindly to me:

Sanosuke Harada: "Well, I wouldn't call that 'special treatment'. It's more like I feel the need to keep my eye on you… Anyhow, you've got this environment to deal with, too. There are times you find it hard to speak up among your male peers, and there are other things you find hard to do, right?"

Chizuru Yukimura: "Harada-sensei..."

Sanosuke Harada: "Though the fact that I'm a man won't change, I'm still your homeroom teacher. I'm here to offer you advice whenever you need it, Yukimura. So no bottling up your troubles to yourself. I'm here to offer you advice whenever you need it, you know. So no bottling up your troubles to yourself."

The fact that Harada-sensei was being so considerate of me made me very happy...

Chizuru Yukimura: "Thank you very much, sir."

I put all the gratitude in my heart into my bow to him.


The day of the test had finally arrived.

It was time for the real thing at last. I studied as much as I possibly could, but still felt a bit anxious...


The tests had finally started.


Chizuru Yukimura: "I'm sure I'll do fine!"

I thought back to the chocolate Harada-sensei gave me yesterday after school, and I felt like my anxiety

had melted away.

Chizuru Yukimura: "Right. Time to do this!"

I was eager to tackle the test.


Minigame Victory

Chizuru Yukimura: "I should be okay at this rate..."

I thought my grade would be good enough to avoid the penalties.

Chizuru Yukimura: "It really might've been the chocolate he gave me doing this..."

When I thought of Harada-sensei's kindness that time, a small smile rose to my lips.


Then, several days later...

Chizuru Yukimura: "Yay!"

I saw the posted test results, and I'd done better than I'd expected.

Sanosuke Harada: "Good for you, Yukimura! Just a little more and you'd have ranked first in your year."

Chizuru Yukimura:  "!"

Harada-sensei looked cheerful, and I gave him a wide smile back.

I wanted to thank him no matter what, and looked up at his face.

Chizuru Yukimura:  "It's thanks to that chocolate!"

His eyes crinkled in a smile.

Sanosuke Harada: "It's because that chocolate was special. It drew out your ability to realize your true potential."

Chizuru Yukimura:  "Really?"

Sanosuke Harada: "Yep. I let you eat a one-of-a-kind chocolate, filled with prayers for your success."

Chizuru Yukimura:  "Now that I know that was a good luck charm, everyone else will be coming to beg for your chocolate too, you know?"

At my teasing, Harada-sensei scratched his head, a wry smile on his lips.

Sanosuke Harada: "Go easy on me... Don't tell any of the other students, all right? It's a secret, remember?"

Harada-sensei smiled awkwardly, and left without pressing the issue any further.

Chizuru Yukimura:  "......"

I was really happy I had the privilege of having such a good teacher. While I watched Harada-sensei leave, a very warm feeling embraced me...



At last, the tests were over, and the results had been announced…The tension gradually seeped out of the school, and everything slowly went back to normal.

After school, after the test results were announced…I was on my way out of the school building to return home when…

Isami Kondou:  “……”

Chizuru Yukimura: “Just now…was that Kondou-sensei?” 

Kondou-sensei went around to the back of the school.  When I saw that, I paused. ‘There isn’t anything over there, so where is he going…?’ I thought it was kind of mysterious.  And so, egged on by my curiosity, I jogged after Kondou-sensei. I went further behind the school… I’d never set foot back here before.  After reaching his destination, Kondou-sensei suddenly stopped.

Isami Kondou:  “……”

‘What is this place…?’ Towering in front of me was an old gate, and my eyes widened. ‘To think there was such a place here, right on academy campus…’

Isami Kondou:  “……”

Chizuru Yukimura: “Um…”

Isami Kondou:  “Hm… Yukimura-kun? Why are you here?”

Chizuru Yukimura: “I’m sorry. I saw you heading this way, and curiosity got the better of me…”

Isami Kondou:  “Ahh, so that’s what it was.”

Kondou-sensei smiled in understanding,  and turned his gaze back towards the gate. The old wooden door was shut tightly, looking like it hadn’t been opened in a long time. It had been two months since I began studying at Hakuo Academy, but I never knew such a place existed until now.

Chizuru Yukimura: “Um, Kondou-sensei.  What is this place…?” 


Chizuru Yukimura: “Huh?”

Isami Kondou:  “…That’s what it was called, at least. There used to be a swordplay dojo here by that name.”

Chizuru Yukimura: “Used to be?” 

Isami Kondou:  “Yes. As you can see, it’s closed now. There are no students here; there’s no one at all. But the teachings of that dojo are certainly still being passed down… That’s what I believe.”

There was a look in his eyes; almost as if he were lost in a different time, far from the present. I got the feeling that this must’ve been a very important place to Kondou-sensei.

Isami Kondou:  “I always come here whenever I want to return to my roots…This place, the Shieikan, is Hakuo Academy’s starting point.” 

Kondou-sensei put his hand on the place where I expected the sign must have once hung, and his eyes shut, lost in nostalgia.

…'Shieikan.’ As if to confirm the word, I mouthed it to myself. That name… I felt as if I’d heard it before…

Chizuru Yukimura: “……”

Looking at me as I thought about it, Kondou-sensei smiled and kept talking.

Isami Kondou:  “Yukimura-kun, it looks like the sun is about to set.  Don’t you think it’s time for you to head home?” 

Chizuru Yukimura: “Oh, right. That’s true. It’s already so late…” 

Isami Kondou:  “By the way, I heard from Toshi.  It looks like you got some magnificent test results this time around.”

Chizuru Yukimura: “Hijikata-sensei said that?” 

Isami Kondou:  “Yes, you’re the most talented woman in the history of Hakuo Academy! It truly is magnificent!” 

Chizuru Yukimura: “…Thank you very much.” 

There was no hint of lies or flattery in  Kondou-sensei’s cheerful words… I remembered how he delivered them while walking away, and I felt a little embarrassed.

Isami Kondou:  “A student has a duty to study, so I want you to continue trying your hardest! But of course, it’s not just your studies. If you also have fun living your everyday life at Hakuo Academy… As this school’s principal, I’d be very happy!” 

Chizuru Yukimura: “Yes!” 

Returning his nod as he smiled, I looked back at ‘Shieikan’ only once. He had called it the ‘starting point’ for the school. I wonder what that meant…? Questions along those lines came to mind, and I couldn’t help but wonder at such a mystery…

Anyway, I would do my best from here forward. I smiled, in high spirits.